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1. Ecological modeling of
life in the ocean
The ocean is a field, its size is 15 X 10 (borders of cells are
invisible). There're 3 kinds of creatures in the ocean:
algae. They're just decoration. If an alga is placed in the cell
nobody else can move into that cell. Algae can't move.
predators move and eat fish. If a predator can't eat any fish for
5 cycles it dies (then it just disappears from the screen). If a
predator doesn't die in 5 cycles it spawns (that is it bifurcates)
fish (prey) moves and spawns in 5 cycles.
There're 3 buttons on the application's main window:
The "Begin" button creates a new arrangement of creatures by
means of random numbers.
The "Continue" button runs the next cycle of the ocean life.
The "Cancel" button closes the application.
The hierarchy of classes:
Class Cell - cells of the ocean.
Class Obs (obstacle) - algae.
Class Prey - fish.
Class Predator - predators.
The main purpose of modeling is watching change of amount of fish and
The project was created in Visual C++ 2005 but only Win32 API functions were used.
The computer plays a game of TicTacToe with the user.
The project was created in Visual Studio 2005 but only Win32 API functions were used so the project can be compiled and built by means of any IDE.