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1. EngWords
The program for studying English (or Russian) words.
Before working with the program the user have to open a *.dic file. It
must be special format file:
The example of such file is in the Debug folder (where the
-file is placed).
After opening a file the user have to select the word which is the
translation of the current word by means of the mouse. When the amount
of questions is equal to the whole amount of words the user'll have got
a mark. The current word is always selected by means of random numbers.
The repetition of current words isn't controlled.
The StringCollection, FileStream,
Encoding, Random and other classes were used in the program.
2. Graph
The program paints graph of the function specified by the user. You
should input the function into the field disposed at the top of the main
You can use the following symbols in your expression:
1. the 'x' variable (you can't use another variables)
2. the signs of operation: +, -, *, /
3. functions: sin, cos, sqrt (taking the square root), ln.
4. numbers (integer or fractional)
For example you can input such expressions: sin(x+3)-2.82
2*(x+5)-cosx and so on.
When you press the "Paint graph" button the function's graph
will be displayed. If the graph isn't displayed there is some syntax
error in your expression (then a MessageBox must appear) or the graph is
out of screen (then try to use another numbers in your expression).
Using the "Clear" button you can clear the panel of the main
window and rub out all graphs.
You also can increase or decrease the scale of painting. Use the main
menu's items to do that.