Programs for Linux (Qt Designer)

1. DBManager
It's a framework of program to work with the MySQL server. Now the program can't do any operation with databases yet. It can only display the list of tables and their structure. In the future opportunity of the program will be increased.

After you run the program you have to connect to the database. The dialog window for creating connection looks like this:

If the connection is successful the list of tables will be displayed on the left part of the main window. When you select some table its structure is displayed on the right part of the window:

Download sources of DBManager

2. ScanScreen

The program makes a stamp of the screen (or any of its part) and saves it in the *.bmp file. The user must fill up fields of the program's main window: X and Y coordinates of the upper-left corner, the width and the height of the area to save. The width and the height are measured in pixels. The width and the height of the user's screen are shown on the main window of the program.

Download sources of ScanScreen

3. Calculator

It's a very simple calculator which has 3 EditBoxes on its main window. The user must introduce the input expression into
the first one.You can use digits, arithmetical operations (+, -, *, / ) and brackets. Thus the program doesn't
work with fractional numbers.
When you press the "Преобразовать в ОПЗ" ("Convert to PPN") button the expression is converted to the
Postfix Polish Notation. The second EditBox displays the result of that conversion.
When you press the "Вычислить" ("Calculate") button the program calculates the result and put it into the
third EditBox.

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